Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oh Mother Nature, you joker!

Well, leave it to Aunt Flo to visit the first week of our challenge! Grrr! Women so get why this is wonder I've been having "fatter than usual" days!  Hello bloating and water weight! Thanks for showing up mid-week, right in time for the big weigh in on Sunday!

I'm trying to do what I can to combat it, trying to up the exercise ante, which trust me, isn't much, but I'm so out of shape the 18 minutes of yoga we did on Tuesday? Yeah, still sore.  As I write this right now I am 11 minutes into Quick Start Yoga for Weightloss and waiting for the other 15 minutes to buffer - I got sick of holding poses for ridiculously extended periods of time and having the video and sound all out of whack.  Now I know for next time!  This was the Yoga DVD that started it all last go round.  I ran in to Derek's mom at Target, we picked it out, D and I started doing it, and viola - there we were, skinny bitches! Well, not quite but almost how it worked.  So I figured it was familiar and not too difficult so a good place to start - easier on the muscles at first than that Nazi-style yoga we did Tuesday!

Another small victory for me tonight - I ate cauliflower.  I won't go as far as saying I like it, but I didn't vomit, so we're getting there.  I tossed it with olive oil and Mrs. Dash and baked it while the turkey tenderloin baked.  It was alright but still something is "off".  I grabbed a tablespoon of bbq sauce - we have no light or FF ranch in the house, boo! And dunked that crap in bbq sauce and choked it down.  I"ll try it 20 more times - apparently you have to eat something 21 times to develop a liking for it or something, The New Winnie (Rosemary) told me. Vegetables are hard! Why did no one make me get this part over with as a child?!

Today was kind of lame food wise.  Lunch was a spinach salad with chicken breast, light cheese and balsamic vinegarette, while snack was cottage cheese and almonds.  Stupid me put the almonds in the cottage cheese and they got kind of soggy. Dinner was not so bad, turkey wise.  I'm just not a huge fan of turkey that isn't cut deli thin.  But, it was in the freezer, and easy to cook while I cleaned.

Oh crappy, now my neighbor's internet that I'm "borrowing" is not going to be strong enough to finish streaming my yoga video! I see myself frustrated and just giving in and ordering the damn DVD from Amazon! I had a copy, or two, actually...maybe my sister has it.  I am pretty sure she's the one that has my yoga mat. Hmmm...

Oh yeah.  Lacy and I decided that $59.95 for a family gym membership is worth it.  I totally think it is.  It's within walking distance of our house, and it's a Snap so it's 24/7.  That means that she can go in the evenings after work or whatever, and I can either go after Nathan is in bed and she's home with him, or in the morning before they both get up.  I don't work out well with others, I like to do my own thing, so convenient, financially do-able, and I've got to do something to get in shape! (stupid "borrowed" internet!)

Anyhoodles, I might try to spruce up my page a bit, get some recipes up and maybe figure out how the hell you make friends here.  This place is scary compared to my safe, closely knit community where I keep all things personal!


  1. Hi this is happyember from OD :] Ah I hate having to stream workouts lol. I've managed to download all of them though so maybe you can try that. Oh, by the way, I like your blog a lot it's interesting ^_^

  2. The ONLY thing that worked for me for gym-going is going in the morning before work. And I agree that it's a solitary activity. I used to work out with a friend who would talk my ear off and it was effing torture.

