Thursday, May 5, 2011

Technical Difficulties

I think my body finally figured out what I was doing to it – trying to feed it vegetables and not giving it sugar and fats in quite the amounts it’s used to.

The first few days it probably thought, “Oh, not a big deal, these green things…we’ll just deal with them and not see them again for a year or two.”

Then, it began to get a little wiser… “Hmm.  More green things? Red? MORE green?  What is she doing to us?!”

And today, it finally just revolted.

You may just as well send my mail c/o The Ladies’ Room.  Cause every 10 minutes I’m right back there. 

I’m gonna win this battle, no matter how many rolls of toilet paper it takes!

1 comment:

  1. rofl. Same thing happened to me when I was trying out the raw food diet for a couple weeks, it sucks that our bodies don't seem to like it very much
