Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ketchup and weigh-in x2

Pun intended.  I've been MIA for a little bit... just some things going on in my personal life, and not having the time and/or desire to update because I get all mopey and feel like no one reads so why bother? Yeah, life's been a pretty big pity party lately and I need to snap out of it.  I'm bored all.the.time. My emotions are all over the place as it is, then I had a near "run-in" with my ex-best-friend of 12+ years that I haven't seen nor spoken to in a year...I was a little messed up about it, and we happened to have a BBQ/bonfire that night which led to tequila, and Crown Royal, and some beer and oh yeah, vodka

Margaritas...(made with that knock-off Crystal Light lime-margarita mix meant for water bottles, ice, a bit o' water and some tequila...lots of tequila...and P.S. Skinny Girl Margaritas are HORRIBLE!) ...Crown/Redbulls, vodka jello shots and Grain Belt Nordeast....what a combo...

And if you know me, you know what vodka does to me...so to add insult to injury I was a doofus-face and got drunk and drunk dialed/facebooked/texted said ex-best-friend. No response, of course.... but yeah, it was enough to mess with my head and slash any bit o' happiness I was feeling.

But, that doesn't mean I've given up on the weightloss efforts.  Oh no.  I've still been hanging on there.  Still not exercising, at all - SHAME ON ME! But the scale has consistently gone down.  I need to kick it in to hyperdrive and get my arse out of bed in the morning to wake up, but when you are mopey, it's hard.

So, the weigh-in for June 5th, I lost 3.8 lbs from the previous week which brought my weight to 218.4.

My hungover ass couldn't take a picture of the scale with me on it, it was not working...lol

And then this week's weigh in, a loss of 2.6 lbs, bringing me down to 215.8 and a total loss of 24.8 lbs since May 1.

Pardon the tampon box.  I have a feeling I will be hard-pressed to see a smaller number on the scale this Sunday.  This week has already been full of stress and disappointments, and I know I don't lose as well when I'm under this much stress.  Plus, we have to start all over food-wise, since our elecricity was out for almost 48 hours, rendering all of our fridge/freezer contents disgusting and gross. Therefore, today I will be eating lunch AND dinner out some where. 

I keep cheating and standing on the scale almost daily and I need to knock it the crap off because man, it is depressing not to see it go down every day.  To hover at one weight and stress over why it's not as low as Sunday's sucks.

The ketchup thing...well, see, I have this love affair with all things tomato, especially ketchup, which I doused my turkey burgers in both Saturday and again last night...thing is, is I'm highly allergic to tomato.  My lips break out and itch like a beast.  I'm certainly a sight for sore eyes.  But I can't stop.  I love my tomato products... I'm going to the allergist this afternoon, and hopefully he can offer me some relief, because all bbq'd food is better with ketchup! (And it kind of hides the fact you're eating a turkey burger/brat/hotdog and makes it taste like the real thing for only 20 calories a tablespoon!)