Friday, April 22, 2011

A million (and one!) reasons to do this

I’ve come to the most horrid realization that my 10-year high school class reunion is coming up at this time next year. If coming face-to-face with all the tan and tawdry skinny bitches from back in the day isn’t motivation to shed some poundage, I don’t know what is!

Actually, there’s a lot of things that I want to accomplish by losing this weight that are a lot more important than showing up some meaningless bitches from high school (though, that will be a lovely bonus and I will relish every second of it).

Here’s a few of the things that I’d like to accomplish that are a little bit more than skin-deep. Things I will think about often and use to motivate me throughout this journey.

1.      I snore something wicked, and probably have sleep apnea.  Losing a significant amount of weight will resolve this issue.

2.      I have heart palpitations and am constantly afraid I am having a heart attack. Losing weight will quiet my mind and help this.

3.      I haven’t done Christmas cards with pictures or gone to family functions in a few years because I am afraid people are going to judge me.  If I lose weight I can be confident and enjoy being around my family again.

4.      My son is often left to fend for himself when it comes to playing outside. I rarely even take him to the park because it’s a) physically difficult and b) I feel like all the other mom’s are like, “Look at that fatty on the bench over there!”  Losing weight will help me do the things with my son that he deserves.

5.      I sweat all the time and it’s embarrassing as hell.  I use two kinds of deodorant at a time and I still sweat doing the most mundane things.  Losing weight will solve this problem.

6.      I am tired all the time. If I lose weight, quit lugging this excess fat around and become more active I will have more hours in my day to do the things I love and spend with the people I care about.

7.      I am embarrassed to add old friends to facebook and reconnect because I’m embarrassed I’ve let myself get so out of control.  If I lose weight I will have the opportunity to rekindle friendships and friends are something I sure could use!

8.      Sex will improve! It will be easier to maneuver and be all bendy in the ways that are necessary, I won’t be out of breath for any reason other than it feels good, and I’ll be able to actually see what’s going on down there!

9.      Kids learn by example and I’m not setting a very good one for my son.  If I lose weight and adopt a healthy, active lifestyle, Nathan will too!

10.  I have a lot of interests and ideas and I am an intelligent, social person.  If I lose the weight I would be more apt to go out and meet people, share ideas and indulge my interests – life would be a lot more fun.

The list is endless, but the point is, I have a million and a half reasons to do this and not a single good one not to!

I’ve really been struggling with the caffeine thing and it’s only Day 2.  One energy drink and one soda was my goal.  I’ve reached that already today and I feel like I could fall asleep! I’ve got to get some willpower! It’s Easter weekend and I’m not going to be too hard on myself.  I am exhausted mentally and I’ve been battling some wicked allergies  the last week or so.  I can’t wear any make up and Kleenex are my best friends. It’s going to be a weekend of getting my ducks in a row, celebrating Easter, and hopefully feeling better and ready to take on the world come Monday!