Monday, May 23, 2011

Blue Team Win: Disappointing Weigh-in by the Red Team.

Weigh in this weekend was somewhat a disappointment.  I lost, but not much. I suppose it’s better than nothing though.  An official loss of 2.6 lbs.  Lacy won this round with an even 4.0 lb. loss.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t discouraged.  I have been eating well and drinking tons of water, and even began with ab workouts this week.  But I felt it coming as I have been under a tremendous amount of stress, and my body is very susceptible to the effects of stress.  And when under stress, your body feels run-down and exhausted, and therefore wants to keep, keep, keep anything you put in it.

I’m happy for Lacy’s 4.0 lb. loss, I can really see the changes in her.  I’m just concerned about things from here on out.  My focus is on a doable, sustainable lifestyle change that will result in me losing the weight and keeping it off.  Her focus has shifted from getting healthy, to doing anything and everything in her power to get her weight and measurements down in time to ship out to basic for the Guard in October. She’s got at least a good 40 lbs. to go, maybe more.  So, she’s given up all carbs and wants to stay well under the 1,200 calorie mark, and basically bust her butt and throw her body through the wringer so she can just get rid of the weight by October.   It really throws a wrench in things because I do all the cooking and it’s time consuming to make one meal, let alone two or “alter” my meals to avoid all carbohydrates. Yes, even the complex ones.  I refuse to get roped in to her “quick fix” style.  Healthy and sustainable for this chica!

I have to say, I couldn’t handle the 2.6 lb loss, so while that is my official weigh-in, I stood on the scale this morning and was down to 224, which would make it a 4.6 lb. loss, which I can handle.  Between water retention and the fact I finally had a BM last night, I feel less discouraged and like I could have a super loss next weigh in!

On to the amazing food!  One day I promise I’ll find time and a decent internet signal and spend time getting the recipes up here!

Friday night we had orange chipotle chicken, omg! It was so good! I think it would have been better grilled even, but we had to broil because it was raining.

Saturday I made turkey and balsamic onion quesadillas.  The soaking of the red onion in balsamic vinegar gave it a really unique and delicious flavor! Then I used the balsamic vinegar, added some Stevia and garlic and make a lovely dressing for our spinach salads.

Saturday evening, after searching high and low for Sea Bass, I finally went to a high-end specialty market and even they didn’t have any! I asked what would be comparable, and I bought some really freaking expensive Halibut.  ($24.99/lb?! Holy shit.)  Made ginger herb halibut filets on a roasted tomato and garlic coulis, and for the first time in my life I had swiss chard.  I really liked the flavor of swiss chard, but I can’t do the creamy texture this recipe had.  Perhaps not so cooked in the future.  I sautéed some green beans with a dab of seasame oil, some garlic and almond slivers as well.

Sunday morning Lacy insisted on making breakfast.  This is her version of a “green monster” even though it’s purple and so thick we ate it with spoons out of fancy martini glasses! Keepin’ it classy!

Why is she making that face?  Dorkus put alphalfa sprouts in the smoothie.  The flavor over powered everything! It was kind of gross at first, but we got used to it and finished them up.

Lunch yesterday was thai coconut curry shrimp.  Low carb Lacy asked if we could eat it on a bed of spinach, rather than on rice as planned.   I agreed, thinking the sauce would make an excellent dressing.  I was wrong.  We both loved the shrimp, but agreed the warm coconut curry sauce on cold spinach leaves did not really please the palate.  So while it looks pretty, if you attempt this one, make sure to put it over rice!  Let me stress the shrimp was DEVINE!! So yummy!

And last, but not least, another for the WIN column.  Veggie lasagna with turkey meat sauce! The turkey could absolutely be left out for a vegetarian meal!  No noodles- made with zucchini in their place, some red pepper, and ricotta cheese made this creamy and delicious! I have leftovers for lunch today! Om nom nom!

We ate it with roasted beets! I’d never come near a beet in my life until yesterday. And while I have some purple parts today, it was worth it, they were pretty good!

It rained all weekend, tornadoes ripped through Minneapolis yesterday, and while my garlic is loving it and coming up nicely…some of the other babies in the garden aren’t fairing as well.  Our cukes are nearly destroyed.  My herbs are drowning.  And we’ll see what happens to our squash, it’s looking wet and sickly… the broccoli and tomatoes and jalepenos seem to be doing alright, minus a few damaged leaves.  We shall see!