Thursday, May 5, 2011

I can breathe! (kinda...)

Holy snot, Batman! Food-wise this week's been alright.  Health-wise, not so much.  Monday I was suffering hard core, this sinus infection be damned. Tuesday I stayed home sick from work and went to the doctor again (my, my they love my money!) and sat there until she gave me drugs I thought would work and refused to leave unsatisfied.  Yesterday was a little better, today I can breathe! Kinda.  Better than I have been able to in three weeks anyway! Small vicotries!

Speaking of, I had a small personal victory on Tuesday...let's start at the beginning though.  Even though I felt like death warmed over, I plugged along and made healthy eating choices, and came in under my calories for the day. I don't remember breakfast, but no matter, it was food, it was healthy, and it was delicious or I'd remember otherwise.  Mid-morning snack was a Green Monster.  Our first one! Spinach, flax seed, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries and almond milk...

Lacy insisted on pressing the blender button...I wanted to! Not fair! It was delicious none the less...a little bitter thanks to some not-quite-ripe enough kiwi, but A for efftort.  The one I made this morning with strawberries and banana, spinach, flax, greek yogurt and almond milk was way better!

Lunch Tuesday was turkey pita pizzas.  They were alright.  They'd have been really good if I hadn't gone quite so gung-ho on the onions!

Yesterday's lunch was an organic vegan burrito.  I used to eat them a lot.  I don't know what I was thinking when I bought them.... decent cal, low fat, good protein, but hella carbs - hello white flour tortilla. *duh* So yesterday was like carb city...blargh.

Dinner Tuesday was AH-MAZING! We made kabobs on the grill and this is where my small personal victory comes in.

See those red things? Those are cherry tomatoes.  And I LIKE THEM! *cue angels singing*  That brought the grand total of vegetables I'll eat that don't come from a can and I like to TWO! (The other is spinach) (The burger is Nathan's - he begged me for a burger.  Dad's a farmer so I've got a freezer full of homegrown beef, what else am I gonna do with it?)

For the record, even though there are green peppers on all the skewers, I gave my share to Lacy - I loathe that horrid vegetable. Ick.  I'd rather take my chances with cauliflower again.

We paired the kabobs with some taboule and it was delicious! Filling and low-cal, low-fat, whole-grain...perfect!

Dinner last night was pretty damn good, too.  I had chicken breast on the menu, but had to modify thigns a bit since I was a wee bit short on veggies and really close to hitting my target carbs, and needed a healthy portion of protein thrown in, so this was what I came up with:

I came home, roasted some red pepper on the grill, seasoned some chicken breast, threw that on the little George Foreman (I didn't have enuogh charcol do do the chicken AND the peppers outside), sauteed some spinach and a clove of garlic, put it on top the chicken breast with a piece of light string cheese I had shredded in the little blender, and roasted red pepper slices, baked that until the cheese melted and YUM!  Some grapes and one of the last Easter eggs to go along with it...

I've hit right around my target calorie goal without going over every day so far!

The only thing is, is I don't *feel* anything happening.  I don't feel like I'm losing weight.  And yeah, it hasn't even been a week, but usually (in my past failed endeavors) I've been able to TELL I've been making progress...maybe I feel this way because I haven't been able to work out yet? With the exception of 18 minutes of yoga that almost killed me because I was so out of shape and so snotty I couldn't breathe on top of it...

The scale will tell me on Sunday though...

And considering that I was eating over 1,000 calories, tons of fat, nutritionally stupid foods, and a bajillion refined carbs more every day prior to startingt his, I would THINK I'm going to make progress, despite the lack of exercise this week...

Lacy is home in Wisconsin unitl Saturday afternoon.  Better stay on track while she's gone!

1 comment:

  1. If you like spinach.. have you ever tried bok choy? If not, you should! I have also heard that kale is pretty good. I have some in the fridge and am making it tonight for the first time.

    Those kabobs look AMAZING. I wish I had a grill!

