Friday, May 6, 2011

Vegetables are hard!

Vegetables are hard! Why did no one make me eat them as a child?! Seriously. The only veggies we ever ate growing up were canned corn and canned green beans. Now I'm an adult and vegetables make me gag. No, I'm not kidding you. I'm technically up to three vegetables not-from-cans that I can eat without gagging - and as embarrassing as it is, it really happens. I like spinach. Tomato. Zucchini. That's it.  I will eat carrots if they are cooked to mush and mixed with something else.  I have a really hard time with texture...that crunchy, doesn't feel like I will ever chew it enough to swallow it thing, yeah, can't do that.   Therefore, I prefer vegetables cooked.  Prefer isn't even the right word....I will have a better mindset going in to it if they're cooked....And lettuce? Is the most bitter, disgusting thing in the whole world! BLAH!

I was disappointed with my lunch - the leftover turkey tenderloin just didn't do it for me today.  So I wanted something super awesome and still healthy and low cal for dinner.  SWEET POTATO FRIES! I grilled chicken and sliced up some veggies - zucchini, yellow peppers, baby carrots, and yellow tomato and threw those on the grill in foil as well.  The zucchini was alright, good even, the peppers, doable, the carrots were still too crunchy, and the tomato just mushed into all the other veggies. The spicy chipotle baked sweet potato fries were so good! 140 calories, 4g of fat - perfect!



See, that's not too bad, considering my disdain for veggies...  It brought two things to mind.

1) I have not been hungry once.  I have been under my 1300 calories every day.  At this point I was still only at about 1,000 calories, total, and I was so full I couldn't finish my yummy fries!  I eat 5 or 6 times a day, usually 3 meals, 2 snacks, sometimes 3, depending on if I have too many calories left after dinner still - then I have some protein before bed as well.


2) This girl has to find a way to LIKE vegetables and not gag!  Tell me your favorite way to eat vegetables and what vegetables they are... preferably prepared healthily- no insane cheese sauces with 500 calories and 46 grams of fat - yeah, even I would like broccoli like that!

Help!! I have to figure out this vegetable thing if I'm going to beat Lacy's ass in the Biggest Loser competition!

It's Friday night and I've had a relatively emotional and shitty day (all I wanted to do was come home and drink beer until I was happy drunk, but I didn't! I resisted and for that, I rock).  I should work out, but I tripped over the computer cord earlier and hurt the foot I happen to have a screw in, putting that much pressure on it and doing yoga tonight would probably make me cry. So, instead, I'm going to call Lacy, say goodnight, hit the hay and wake up early tomorrow and get a jump on the day with some yoga. And a green monster, perhaps, jump on those veggies that don't taste like ass and/or make me want to vomit.

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