Monday, May 9, 2011

One week down...and the "loser" is...

ME! That's right! Score one for the Red Team! At the end of the first week, Lacy weighed in at 242.4, for a loss of an even 5 pounds! I weighed in at 235.0, for a loss of 5.6 lbs!

Honestly, I was mildly dicouraged.  I know I could have seen even a greater first week loss would I have included more exercise in my week.  5.6 lbs might seem like a lot or "unhealthy" because they say 2.0 lbs a week for steady, healty weight loss - but your initial losses are going to be higher when you have a bajillion pounds to lose.  Trust me, this 5.6 pounds is not noticeable, anywhere.  I just felt like I could have boosted the number last week and I failed at that.

So, this week, I am aiming for exercise every day.  Lacy and I just got in to a little tiff because she said she is going to do "at least one" Jillian Micheals' 30 Day Shred work out every day. She tried to pressure me in to the same thing.  "They're only 20 minutes..." Well, be that as it may, I'm starting out the way I need to.  Not to be on a crash routine I can't sustain just to win next week's weigh in.  I want to start slow and train my body, work up to it's healthiest.  I want to build a lifestyle I CAN sustain!  If that means getting my body more limber with a few weeks of yoga and walking before I dive in to a bajillion Jillian workouts a day, then that's what I'm going to do. Right now, 30DS is hard for me... I quit halfway through.  It discourages me and I don't want to do it or anything else for that matter.  I need to start slow and not expect myself to finsih multiple 30DS workouts a day or I'm going to get disappointed, discouraged and give up.  Not what I want to set myself up for!

This weekend was hard.  Saturday my son had a friend over for the entire day, and my nerves were about frazzled! An ice cold beer or 12 sounded fab after that! But I didn't.  I moved furniture and cleaned all day.  Went shopping with my ex-husband, and let my mom take the extremely dirty little kid out to dinner at 10PM (passing up her invitation to take me anywhere I wanted to go as a Mother's Day present.) 

Nathan (in what once was a white t-shirt) and his buddy Zach, showing me their dirty muddy hands!

Mother's Day sucked.  Lacy and I fought, we ran out of veggies, I was tempted with homemade turkey dinner, cheesy potatoes, gravy, etc. by my Grandpa.... I made it but it's not a day I wish to repeat.  Today is another sucktastic day foodwise, eating remnants of whatever is in the fridge, because I can't get shopping until tomorrow night... so two days, or it will be three, I suppose, with little if any veggies. Boo. 

Oh, AND, Aunt Flo came to visit.  I swear I got on Mother Nature's shit list some how...

There was some good food in there this weekend.... like:

Chicken with grilled zucchini, carrots, yellow peppers and tomato, and spicy sweet potato fries (yum!)

This 1 egg, 2 egg white omelet packed with spinach, garlic, yellow peppers and cherry tomatoes and FF American cheese! It was delish!

I'ev been doing well on the water intake - getting at least my 8 glasses a day, more often than not more!  It has been OVER TWO WEEKS since I last had a soda! No more Diet Coke! That habit was harder to quit than even smoking was!  I still have an energ drink every day, but I have to have something!

1 comment:

  1. yay! five pounds is still pretty awesome. I think it's good that you're not jumping into shred, it's HARD. I'd even run and do crunches everyday and shred was still difficult. Now that I am doing it though, it's made all of my other workouts seem so easy lol. I can get through them without needing to stop at all. It does have benefits but it is discouraging if you can't do it just yet. It is best just to ease into exercising.
