Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Holy carrot cake, Batman!

Yesterday my son had a dental emergency and wound up with two baby root canals and silver crowns. 

I attempted a hurried breakfast, I think I ate a piece of leftover pork tenderloin and cottage cheese, I didn’t get much in the way of lunch before heading out – string cheese and granola.  Three hours at the dentist, another two at the grocery store.  Dinner was late and it was so hot out I could barely stand to eat half of my turkey and swiss sandwich.  So my calories were way too low yesterday.

I spent more money on groceries last night than I ever have before.  I got to the checkout and nearly peed my pants! I had made a menu and a shopping list for one week and by the time I got done, this was my cart.

$329, after nearly $20 in coupons.  It’s hard to eat healthy and cheap when you’re starting out.  We have none of the spices or vinegars or all of that stuff, so even though the recipe calls for two teaspoons of toasted sesame oil, you have to buy the whole $6.50 bottle.  As upsetting as the grand total is, it’s really an investment in our future, one that will hopefully pay off big time.  Plus, I can’t squawk too much when we were spending about that on eating out every paycheck.  And some of the meals should make enough to freeze leftovers, like the beefless beef-barley stew I’m going to attempt. Still, when you’re living hand-to-mouth, $329 seems like a lot to spend on groceries in one place! And I didn’t even get tomatoes because they were icky at Cub!

Even though yesterday was less than desirable food-wise, was certainly not a bust – I made General Tso’s chicken with spring vegetables thrown in over brown rice.  It’s definitely a must-make-again dish! So good! And I ate all my vegetables, and liked it! I think if I just threw some sauce on those veggies I could do that more often!

I haven’t been sleeping well again, up late, waking early, with broken fitful sleep in between.  I have decided that my big goal for next week is to cut down to 1 energy drink a day, the next week to half and by the end of May to be caffeine-free.  I kicked soda to the curb, I can go all the way, baby!

I made my first dessert and it got rave reviews! I was responsible for bringing treats for our monthly meeting this month. So I searched and searched.  I found a good recipe and then I improved on that even further.  So I made a carrot cake late last night. 

Then I realized this morning, the meeting is next week! Doh! But I brought it in anyway, stopping to feed a piece to Kevvin on the way in this morning.  I was told at work today that it was “amazing!” and “Oh my god that’s delicious!” and ‘It looks and tastes like it came from a fancy bakery!”  It even held up against the expensive bakery cakes this afternoon when the firm brought in birthday treats! And those comments all came from people who had no idea it was a modified, healthier recipe! I like compliments, but I had to know for sure – so I tasted…and omg yum! It was moist, flavorful, and just about divine! I’ll be posting that recipe later tonight, with nutrition facts, of course (cause I don’t have it here!).
No idea what’s on the menu for dinner tonight, it’s going to be a late evening because we’ve got an appointment at the couples’ counselor.

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