Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 1! The Official Weigh-in!

Today was the big day.  I’ve been simultaneously pumped and nervous for today.  Leaving old habits in the past can be really, really hard sometimes! (I may have caught myself almost turning into KFC to pick up some breadsticks on my way to Wal Mart today!) But…all in all, it wasn’t nearly as difficult as I had prepared myself for it to be. Day one is coming to a close and I haven’t felt hungry all day and I liked everything I ate – so success! One step at a time, I’ll take it!
We weighed in first thing this morning.  Ugh, that number on the scale is hard to see! But, hopefully, this was the last day I will EVER see that number on the scale!

I made this handy-dandy little chart to help us through the first 12 weeks of our journey.  Every 12 weeks until we hit goal we will determine a new “winner”. I’m the “Red Team”, my girlfriend is the “Blue Team.”  We are excited to fill it with smaller and smaller numbers!

I spent a lot of yesterday preparing- I think that’s half the battle.  I researched online, found recipes that fit mostly into the “Biggest Loser” 4-3-2-1 (4 servings of fruit and veggies, 3 lean protein, 2 ‘good’ carbs, and 1 extra.”)  We’re not following any specific diet per se, but it was a good place to start.  We’re aiming for 1440 calories at this point (roughly 6 times body weight).  I made this amazing menu of 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners and 7 snacks.  Each day we choose one from each column, except the snack column, we get two snacks, so every snack on the menu will be had twice over the course of the week.  I think I will start posting my menu’s (when I can figure that out and it’s not 10PM and my girlfriend is patiently waiting in bed).


We sort of got a late start on the day today, we had a long ‘talk’ this morning and then I had to run across town to pick the kid up at my mom’s. We ended up having 3 meals and one snack today. Breakfast was a wrap – 3 eggs whites, spinach, and 1/4 cup fat-free cheddar wrapped in a low-carb whole wheat tortilla.  It was pretty damn good! 

Lunch was tuna melts.  Light high-fiber wheat English Muffins with 1 can of albacore tuna and a piece of fat-free American cheese, a pickle, and grapes.  Lots of water was had today.  The lunch was good, but the tuna dried out pretty bad in the oven. I might have left it in there a little too long! Ooops.
While lunch was cooking I whipped up a batch of these Biggest Loser blueberry muffins I found that are only 76 calories a piece and super high in protein and fiber.

After lunch I whipped up some homemade granola – it is AH-MAZING! I bought the 1/2 Splenda, 1/2 brown sugar mixture and used that in place of the regular brown sugar, so I cut the sugar and calories by a lot! We couldn’t wait to eat it, so we chose a breakfast that called for it tomorrow!

We set ourselves up on the Biggest Loser Wii game but we didn’t get a chance to get our first workout in because we did a lot of housework, errands, and cleaning today. The weekends just aren’t long enough!
For dinner I made lentil chili.  Oh my gosh! It was superb! And only 155 calories for a huge 1 cup serving! Tons of fiber and tons of protein! We topped it with fat-free cheddar and fat-free sour cream and had a fruit salad with a fat-free greek yogurt mixed with lemon juice dressing on it…mmm!  Lacy and I were both surprised at how awesome this chili is!  It made 8 servings.  We have 6 in the freezer! (The kid opted for macaroni and cheese…apparently new foods are scary.)

Day one is behind us now, and I’m going to go crawl in bed with my fantastic girlfriend and get a good night’s sleep so I can kick some more ass tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I'd love the recipe for that lentil chilli, it looks awesome!
