Friday, May 20, 2011

Nemo's in trouble...

Weigh-in is just around the corner again, and I have to admit, I'm a wee bit nervous.  I cheated and stood on the scale on Wednesday and there had been no change... I'm eating well, really well, compared to before.  Coming in at or slightly below my 1,300 calories a day - and I'd eat more, but I'm seriously not hungry!  It's also been a challenge to make it through the week without hitting the grocery store- we're running low and eating up what's in the fridge.  Shopping tongiht or tomorrow, for sure! 

I'm coming close to my 40, 40, 20 ratio for carbs, protein and fats.  I often times go over on my carbs slightly or am closer to my goal than I am on protein and I feel like I don't eat many carbs - and the ones I do are complex and whole grain.  Maybe an Enlish muffin or pita pocket or occasionally whole grain brown rice or taboule...

And my girlfriend has decided to make it her goal to get her weight down and body fat below 32% so she can enlist in the National Guard.  Her recruiter, who is also trained in diet and fitness, told her to up the protein and basically cut out all carbs...and start running.  But one thing at a time.  I'm not willing to cut out all carbs, no siree Bob! I'm never going anything near that carb-free zone again.  Once you throw your body out of ketosis, you gain it all back.  But, I will agree to up the protein, especially as we thow strength training in the mix.

We've also been discussing our protein options.  We both agreed we wanted to stay away from red meat, mostly...and yesterday cemented that with her recruiter telling her to nix the red meat.  Which, is a shame really, financially anyway... as my dad raises Circle A cattle and fills my freezer often.   Matter of fact, we've discussed eating more vegetarian options.  I think I'm getting to the point where I could do it, but I think I'd also struggle with getting enough protein.  So, we're keeping fish on the menu, twice a other seafood option once a week, and chicken stays and so does turkey, although I am not much of a turkey fan unless it's turkey bacon.   Basically, we're upping our veggies, increasing our heart-friendly fish and focusing on lean protein sources from the dairy department such as greek yogurt and such. 

Last night was an "eat whatever is left in the fridge" night.  And we didn't have much in the way of vegetables.  So I made some broiled talapia filets with fresh herbs from our garden and crushed garlic, cut up a yellow bell pepper and tossed some zucchini with parmesean cheese and baked it.  It was delicious!

You know what? I found out I love raw yellow pepper! It's mild and sweet, with just the right bite! Hey, vegetables aren't so bad afterall! Not all of them, anyway! I've come a long way on the vegetable train since I started this journey just 20 days ago!

I am nervous for what Sunday morning holds! I feel like I am always stuffed, and I haven't been exercising - shame on me! And I've been so stressed, I'm sure its taken its toll on my body.  And Lacy might have a temporary advantage over me because it seems she's not very good at actually eating.  I've busted her on more than one occasion coming in at only around 500 calories, and several others shy of 1,000.  Tsk tsk tsk! We shall let the scale determine this week's victor on Sunday! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I believe (I read it somewhere) that if you don't consume enough calories, your body thinks it is starving and there is no more food coming your way, and will not burn the calories you have. So believe in yourself, eat your calories and drink plenty of water!

    I am curious as to what you feel about her enlisting. Also can we take the beef? ;)
